Thursday, December 12, 2024

Gratitude: Pilgrimage 4

 McIver Rd

Love for nature was born 

While romping through the woods 

Going on trek to the waterfall 

Playing hide and seek in the cornfields 

Lying down in the long grass watching the sky 

The adult child was born 

While saying no 

Experiencing the power of my voice and two letters 

I was never violated again 

The child mother was born 

While listening to my intuition 

And the cries of my siblings and my mother 

With out age, years, experience 

I became a parent 

and knew fear, doubt, and aloneness. 

I reclaim the pieces of me that were lost when stepping into adulthood prematurely 

I acknowledge the power I was given in order to survive 

I give God gratitude for intervening in my times of need.

I embrace my child self with gratitude and love for her courage, resourcefulness, and trust in God. 

Be at peace. 

It is done.

Be at Peace: Pilgrimage 3

 Limit Street 

Children playing 


Swinging higher on the swings 

Going around faster on the Merry-Go-Round 

Sliding down head first on the side 

The memories I have of this place. 

Playing with my friends 

Baseball games coached by my father 

Learning to tie my shoes 

Haunted house on our first floor

These are the memories I have of this place 

Abused children acting out one another 

The terror of screaming and anger and violence 

Breaking records 

Breaking hearts 

These are The memories I have of this place 

Being pinned down on the top bunk 

Seeing myself outside of myself 

Losing another piece of myself 

These are the memories I have of this place 

Prayer and community and laughter and song

Lived alongside terror and violation

These are the memories I have of this place 

I send grace and healing into the ether for all the children who were violated here

I reclaim my voice for the silent child 

I reclaim Justice for the violated child 

I reclaim peace for the terrorized child 

I reclaim love for the shamed child 

I reclaim the pieces of me that were lost here

Be at peace. 

It is done.

Reclamation: Pilgrimage 2

Jasper avenue 
Dark memories are here in this place 
Great losses are experienced in this place 
The first of many heartbreaks occurred in this place. 
In this place my father broke the sacred parental bond. 
In this place he made us prey to those who would hurt us. 
In this place, prayer and terror lived as one. 
I reclaim the pieces of myself that were lost here in this place. 
I reclaim the nobility of my soul 
I reclaim the sacredness of parental love 
I reclaim the innocence of my heart 
I reclaim the power was taken 
I reclaim the piece of My Soul 
that was separated in order to preserve and protect me. 
In this place I take my divine right to peace, love, and compassion. 

Our Hands: Pilgrimage 1

Grandma Sarah 

With hands like mine 

My hands like yours 

Scratching my head

Greasing my scalp

Combing my hair

Weaving the strands 

into tight cornrows

With hands like mine, 

my hands like yours

Playing Trouble

Cooking field peas 

Cornmeal pancakes 

Collard greens 



Fried chicken

With hands like mine 

My hands like yours 

With hands like mine, 

my hands like yours 

heating the iron comb 

on the stove 

Watching smoke as you 

straighten your hair

I come to this place of ghosts and memories 

Thinking of you 

Thinking of you in the safe place 

Remembering your voice

Remembering your laugh 

Remembering your smile 

Remembering the colorful things 

you would say 

Remembering sitting on the stoop 

while you braided my hair 

I was safe 

I was at peace. 

I am in gratitude. 

I am in love. 

I am home. 

Where Healing Lays

This final breath to contain

a whisper of your name

the hazy vision of your face

exhaled into the ether to dissipate. 

Even now, years later, the loss

sits deep in my bones 

aching in my joints 

lingering like a cold winter. 

I have discovered it's true name

it isn't yours, it is mine

the memory of the person 

I was before you, before heartbreak. 

The name is mine 

The loss is me

The faded visage my own

A piece of me lies in the grass

I ran across 

On the train seat 

where I sat

In the city that flew by

my window

In the tears that coursed 

down the contours on my face.

That piece of me is what 

I long to reclaim 

She is who I have grieved

She is who I have longed for

She is who desires peace 

No more breaths will 

contain the whisper of your name

the hazy memory of your face. 

This is all. This is the end. 

Friday, December 15, 2023


Learn today.
Don't wait.
Learn now to use your voice.
Learn to say no.
Learn to say yes.
Learn to speak your truth.
Be silent for no one
Be silent only for yourself
Learn to speak for your inner voice.
Learn to be fearless.
Learn to speak with courage 
Learn to advocate for yourself.
Learn to advocate for others.
Learn to speak up even to those who
think they know 
Learn to speak for yourself even if you 
may offend 
Learn today.
Don't wait 
Learn so that you don't live with the 
regret of not having said anything. 

- For my Light. I love you. I am sorry. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Second Adolescence

 I wish for a time that is no more
A life well lived 
A life with no regrets
A life unburdened with memory
A life before deepest heartbreak
A life that believed in love
A life that found rejuvenation in movement.

I wish for a time that is no more.
I see a stranger in the mirror.
I see a body weighted down.
I see through tired eyes. 
I see loss of beauty.
I see lack of courage.

I wish for a time that is no more.
When words came without pause.
When movement came without pain.
When love was untarnished. 
When I didn't see the price of joy. 
When I didn't know the cost of love. 

I wish for a time that is no more.
The time when I knew myself.
The time when I was courageous. 
The time when innocence was bliss. 
The time when I didn't notice my body. 
The time when I didn't worry about the future.
The time when I could sleep with ease. 

I wish for a time that is no more. 
I knew what to expect.
I knew my place in the world.
I knew how to dance with abandon. 
I knew how to be of service. 
I knew how to sit in silence. 

i wish for a time that is no more.
Who is this person I am becoming?
What is her place in the world?
When will she accept her body?
How will she release her burdens? 
When will the mirror reflect who she is?
Let go of the past.
Let go of the familiar.
Let go of the longing for what was.
Let go of fear and step courageously
into the next phase of life. 
Now is the time to cherish a blessed youth.
Now is the time to have gratitude for a charmed life.
Now is the time to embrace understanding.
Now is the time to step into wholeness. 

Sunday, August 08, 2021

Ancestor Promise

 In my heart the waves rise and fall. 

An ocean of memory.

Memory reaching into the horizon. 

The horizon of my soul. 

My soul longing for roots. 

Roots deep and intertwined. 

Deep and intertwined steady and strong.

Steady and strong like the resilience of my ancestors.

My ancestors of dream and hope are more than a collection of pain and sorrow. 

Dream and hope woven into my very being to be made real. 

Made real by walking the Cedar Road of my soul's purpose. 

My soul's purpose to gather up the ocean of their tears of agony and elation into my heart and carry them into our bright future. 

In my heart the waves rise and fall. 

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Passing Love

to the man on the street corner
staring up at me in the coffee shop window
who waved and smiled when our eyes met
thank you for witnessing me.

to the young man on the subway
running down the aisle,
watching me as your car passed,
thank you for seeing me.

to the old woman in the elevator
who touched my face
looked into my eyes saying, "Ipayo" (beautiful)
thank you for talking to my soul.

to Mr. Chung who unbidden,
took my hand lovingly saying
"You are a good girl."
thank you for quieting the voice
that told me otherwise.

to the young man I passed on the street,
looking back at me as I looked back at you,
thank you for walking on
leaving the moment there on the sidewalk.

to the man who listened to me
share poetry written with
the fragments of my heart
thank you for seeing the beauty in it.

to the boy who declared himself king
and me his queen,
chasing back and forth
best friends
thank you for love untarnished
forever young.

to the man who chose to marry me
chose to learn and grow with me
chose to persevere and love with me
thank you for showing me what it is like
to have love that stays.

Finishing the Dance

stepping in time
hips swaying
feet finding the floor
swish, swish, swish
the floor answers back
heart and soul
rapt in
the melody
the beat
the drum
the horns
the words
no stopping
not stopping
as long as the music plays
as long as the music plays
i dance
i dance with heart and soul
the song

Caught In the Middle

I am caught in the middle
Right where I want to be
Toeing the edge of change
Fighting back fear
Slaying self doubt
Forgetting measured steps behind 

I am caught in the middle
Right where I have been before
Transitioning from here to "where"?
Praying through word and action
Leaving confirmations to God
Perceiving His Will in His Answers

I am caught in the middle
Right where growth happens
Self reflection
Looking for God Moments
Staring down ego
Revealing vulnerabilities 

I am caught in the middle
Right where I want to be
Toeing the edge of change
Fighting back fear
Slaying self doubt
Forgetting measured steps behind 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Where I Hold You

You are captured in my five senses
a memory frozen in time
love encapsulated in my soul
as I saw your tiny figure on a screen
as I saw your tiny heart beat
as I heard my heart smile
as I felt my soul respond.

You are captured in my five senses
a life lived, though short, one lived
as I kiss your photograph
as I think of you every time I hear
Ed Sheeran's homage to love
remembered on photo paper
as I imagine the light that is you
joining that Sea of Light.

You are my forever love
like your father
like your brother
I kiss you on your cheek
tell you I love you
look on you with wonder
overcome with awe that you
chose me.

You are captured in my five senses
a memory frozen in time
love encapsulated in my soul
as I saw your tiny figure on a screen
as I saw your tiny heart beat
as I heard my heart smile
as I felt my soul respond
and there I hold you,
and there I hold you.

Friday, November 13, 2015

For Nahara

I miss my sweet girl.
I knew she existed before
my body could tell the tale.
She was a force of life
not to be overlooked.
Her energy was as a
thousand suns.
I prayed in her presence
with sacred Words.
She who visited me in dreams
speaking with smiling lips.
Waking feeling the warmth
of her on my lap, in my arms.
She for whom I waited
ten years.

I miss my sweet girl.
I knew she left me
before science could tell the tale.
The force of her life departed
with quiet gratitude.
The warmth of a thousand suns
went with her leaving a lingering
memory of her physical existence.
All 3 centimeters of her captured
along with the memory of her beating heart
hangs on the kitchen fridge.
A loving memento of her
being here for even the briefest of moments.
I pray in her absence
with sacred Words.

I miss my sweet girl.
 We will be reunited
when I leave this place.
 She is with me still
and only my happiness will
allow me to honor her.
She is the sacrifice
that has spurned my heart
to overcome fear and doubt.
The only true path
forward is to fulfill acts of service
that bring meaning to the space
that was created for her in my life.
I pray with her in the breaths
of my heart and the light of my soul
with sacred Words.

My daughter of light.
My sweet Nahara.

These Little Moments

For a moment in time your heart beat with mine
Between and on our moving hearts I knew love
I knew you
For a moment in time your soul lived with mine
In intimate communion we shared of ourselves
I knew you
For a moment in time you knew my very intimate truth
You knew that I long for completeness in service to Him
You knew me
For a moment in time you became a dream made real
You who visited in dreams come into reality
You knew me
For a moment in time I mothered you
For a moment in time you were mothered
A sacred moment intimately shared